- 'German cruelty to British prisoners. Take up the sword of justice. Enlist today'
- Poster
- Hudson & Son (Primary maker)
1915 -
England: Birmingham; England: London
London - First World War recruitment poster; 'German cruelty to British prisoners. Take up the sword of justice. Enlist today.' Published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Office, London; poster no.100. Text-based poster, focusing on reports of German cruelty and barbarity at the risk of decreasing civilian morale through worry about the fate of loved ones in the trenches. A career soldier, Kitchener served in Palestine, Egypt, South Africa and India prior to the First World War, eventually becoming Consul General to Egypt in 1911. With the outbreak of the First World War he was made Secretary of State for War and oversaw the massive expansion of the British Army. Kitchener was drowned in June 1916 when his ship, HMS Hampshire, struck a mine off the Orkneys.
- paper
1973 - BELUM.O461.1973
- National Museums NI
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